Te Whare tapa Whā

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Te Whare tapa Whā


Block Poster for your classroom’s exploration of the Māori perspective on health and wellbeing.

Print and complete to create a space for your learners to place or write things within the whāre.

The Māori holistic model of health, te whare tapa whā, reminds you to take care of all the different aspects of your life to support your wellbeing.

Te whare tapa whā is a model of the 4 dimensions of wellbeing developed by Sir Mason Durie in 1984 to provide a Māori perspective on health. The 4 dimensions are:

With 4 walls, the wharenui (meeting house) is a symbol of these 4 dimensions. The wharenui’s connection with the whenua (land) forms the foundation for the other 4 dimensions.* information courtesy of healthnavigator.org.nz*

This block poster is A4 dimensions (landscape) x 30 Can be made larger or smaller by printing at a2 or a5.

All art by Rebecca Gibbs 2021

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